Getting EOS 7D Shutter Count on Windows

Some of you, may need some buck just to pay CSC to read your Canon EOS shutter count.
While there's a way of getting the shutter count of several models of EOS camera like posted in, but still this tool cannot provide the solution for EOS 7D camera.
If you are running on Linux / Mac OS, there are other ways of getting this posted in

And for most of us, Windows users, I will have a solution steps here:
1. Download libusb-win32 binaries from here, then unzip it anywhere in your PC.
2. Go to your unzipped directory, then go to the libusb-win32-bin-/bin and find a file named as inf-wizard.exe.
3. Connect your EOS 7D camera to your USB cable, then run the inf-wizard.exe.
Here are the Windows screens that you will go through.

4. After you complete the installation of the usb utility, then you will need to get gphoto from here.
5. You can extract them anywhere in your PC.
6. Then open Windows command prompt, then go to your extracted gphoto files as shown here:

7. Then type go to win32 directory.
8. You will need to type "gphoto2.bat --list-config" to have this kind of list:

9. Then invoke this command "gphoto2.bat --get-config /main/status/shuttercounter" .

10. Then you will just see from the "Current" for the value of your EOS 7D shutter count.

Hope this will helps some of you, EOS 7D users.



  1. Noel,

    After looking around on the web quite a bit (and getting frustrated because the online service now charges to display the shutter count) and not having an alternative to windows, I found your site.

    Thanks a lot for taking the time to explain this step by step, so clearly and idiot proof.


  2. That was amazing. Worked like a charm. Thank you so much.

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